Applying for tools

Before you complete an extensive application form, we ask you to carry out a “quick scan” to be able to see if what we have to offer is suitable for you. That can save you an unnecessary amount of time and effort.


What we have to offer

We refurbish used tools (sewing- and knitting machines, bicycles, computers and tools for technical professions) and send them to developing countries. We are talking about tools and small machines for use in areas such as textile processing (sewing, knitting), agriculture, administration and many other technical professions. As technical professions, you could think about carpentry, plumbing, car mechanics, electricians, metal working and bricklaying. We put together sets of tools for each trade or profession: either individual sets or sets for groups of people. 


question 1

Are the tools and/or equipment that you are requesting available in our product range, as it is described above? 

question 2

Is it permitted to import such second hand tools into your country?

question 3

Does your organization have experience of, and permission to carry out, customs clearance, and also the capabilities to transport goods domestically, from the nearest harbour (or the nearest large city for countries who do not have sea borders), to your location.

If you have answered “no” to one or more of these three questions, then unfortunately, we will not be able to support your organisation with your request.

If you have answered “yes” to all questions, then it makes sense to submit an application to us. We will carefully screen your request. Please note that answering three times “yes” does not necessarily mean that we will automatically honour your request. Please read more about the various steps needed to bring your request to a successful conclusion.

You can download the application form here:


We like to build long term relationships with a project, country or organisation. Also, if you are a Dutch foundation/NGO, you may submit a request to us to support a project in a developing country with tools. We are pleased to do this as long as the initiative and the request comes from the developing country/organisation itself.

If you have any questions about Tools4Change projects, please contact us via


Some of our Projects